Minggu, 02 Januari 2022

The cause of obesity among children

 The cause of obesity among children

One of problem in Indonesia is obesity. Obesity is an abnormal condition because the accumulation of excessiving fat which can interfere with health. It often occurs among children. Hartini (2014) says " obesity is defined abnormality or as a disease characterized by accumulation of excessive body fat." Obesity among  children is a medical condition that is characterized by body weight above normal. In fact, the main cause of obesity among children is due to unbalanced condition between the calories of consumed and issued in the form of energy. Thus, the cause of obesity among children are due to genetic factor, fast foods, and lack of sport.

The genetic factor is one of factor that cause of obesity among children. Some of children are genetically trend to obesity because they come from family that have overweight of body. Mustofa (2010) states " if 80% of obesity in the parents, their children will become obesity, if one of parent is obesity, the incindence of obesity become 40%, and if both parents are not obesity, then the obesity rate becomes 14 %." Based on the quotation, the children will become obesity in case their parents also have obesity. In addition, if the children have obesity because of genectic factor, it will be difficult to cure. In short, obesity among children is caused by genetic factor.

However, lifestyle also cause obesity among children. It is more dominant in the cause of obesity among children at this time than genetic factor. The lifestyle causes of obesity among children are consuming fast foods and lack of sport activities.

The first lifestyle cause of obesity among children is consuming fast foods. Commonly, the children like to consume fast foods because they think that is good for them. In fact, fast foods like instant noodles, canned foods, and bottle drinks are not good. It can become obesity for them. The children get obesity due to they frequently consume it. Therefore, providing of fast food to the children because it contains the high levels of fat, oil, and glucose. Indeed, fast foods can cause of obesity among children.

The second lifestyle cause of obesity among children is lack of sport activities. Sport is a healthy way of life that must be done by the children and adults. It is very important for them. Some the children don't like sport because they think that will be tired for them. In fact, if the children don't do the sport activities, it can cause of obesity for them. Besides, obesity among children can be avoided by sport activities like playing football and jogging. In brief, obesity among children can be caused by lack of sport activities.

In conclusion, obesity in one of the disease among children. The obesity among children can be caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. In fact, lifestyle that cause obesity among children like consuming fast foods and lack of sport activities. The children can avoid of obesity with doing activity and don't consume food that contains the calories.

                            Written by: Yona Meidiastuti

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