Minggu, 04 November 2018


(Design Of Pre-Listening Activities: Top-Down And Bottom-Up)
Material: Announcement

  1.    Top-down
Do you ever listen an announcement? What is it? And what is function of announcement? In this chapter we are going to discuss about announcement. Announcement is a short passage or short functional text that contain information of facts, events or intentions, that spoken and written are presented to the public. The functions of announcement is printed to make know that has happened or what will happen.
Announcement given information to do something for public, or just giving an information to us just for knowing about something that what needs to be announced.
Let’s listen to the speaker say about an announcement !


Hello passengers of flight 17 lands for Caracas which stops at Atlanta and Miami. The Depart Gate has been changed to 30 B. Also there will be a slight departure delay due to inclement weather. The ground crew is in the process of de-icing the wings in preparation for departure, we should be boarding soon.
Thank you for your patient.

2. Bottom-up

  • Vocabulary
In announcement, there are many vocabularies related to the into the announcement above;
·         Passengers       : Penumpang
·         Flight               : Penerbangan
·         Lands              : Negeri
·         Inclement        : Buruk
·         Slight               : Sedikit
·         Departure        : Keberangkatan
·         Preparation      : Persiapan

  •        Questions
Listen to the speaker said about an announcement. Refer to these questions while listening.
1.      Who is the announcement for?
2.      What is the announcement about?
3.      Where do you think you will hear that kind of announcement?

  • Analysis 

Analysis of the pre- listening. The first is about top- down. I choose and record one of the audio about the announcement. And I ask the student to listen the speaker said about an announcement. They also can hear and remember of the information which want their know. The second is about bottom-up. This about the vocabulary of the announcement which have been heard by the student from the speaker. I also give the meaning of vocabulary that aims is student easy to understand about the speaker said about the announcement. Besides this, I give the student some question about the announcement which they have been heard before.

Designing/ adapting the tasks teaching speaking as follows
  •    Information gap
Information gap is useful activity in which one person has information that the other lacks. Design of teaching speaking through information gap.
Material: Asking information about the school
The teacher will be divide student into groups of two. Provide one student with a map of a school. The teacher will ask one of students to asking information about school. The other students using map to gives information. Student should ask clarifying  questions. And it do in from of the class.

For example:
A: where is the school?
B: School is near field on west way and across parking area
A: near field?
B: yes
2.      Jigsaw activities
Jigsaw activities are a bidirectional or multidirectional information gap. Each person in a pair or group has some information the persons needed. Design of teaching speaking through jigsaw activities.
In this techniques teacher will divide students into several groups. Each group has four members. The teacher will provide one topic. For example the topic about museums in Indonesia . The teacher will give different text to each group but relate to museums in Indonesia. The teacher will give each group time to understand the text. After they understand the teacher ask representatives of each group to retell information that they have obtained and understand about the text given by the teacher in front of class directly. To check the extent to which the students understands the text, the teacher will give several question in the form of WH questions individually.

  •   Role-play
Role-play are also excellent activities for speaking in the relatively safe environment of the classroom. Design of teaching speaking through role-play. In this techniques teacher will ask the student to describe the place and student also pretend as a tourist guide. for example:
The material of Role-play about describing the place
Have you ever visited a waterfall, natural park, or other natural tourism objects, or interesting buildings, museum, etc.? the students describe what make the place interesting.
Pretend as if you were a guide describing the special peculiarities of the tourism object. You can also pretend to be a tourist guide for taj mahal or lawing park. In the case, make a word or  a text about  your own  favorite place. Based on your text, take turns with your classmate describing the place.

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