Minggu, 02 Januari 2022

The difference between high school and college

 The difference between high school and college

Education is very important for people especially the students. The students can get education in the educational institutions like high school and college. High school and college are place where the students can get knowledge and study there. Commonly, many students want to continue their studying in college after they're graduating from high school. On the other hand, the students also have a view about studying in high school and college is the same, but it isn't true that they are saying. Thus, before the students want to learn or to study in college, they must know the differences of high school and college. There are three aspect of differences between high school and college; clothing, educator, and learning evaluation.

The first, the different of aspect in high school and college is clothing. Clothing is one of the clearest things that it shows the difference between high school and college. In high school, the students must wear uniforms of clothing when they go to school. On Monday, the students have the same of clothing. In fact, the students can't wear of free clothing in high school. Nevertheles, the students may wear of free clothing in college, but it must be polite of clothing. In addition, many students think that they must have many free of clothing and they also spend much money to buy it. In short, the different between high school and college is clothing.

Another the different of aspect in high school and college is educator. Ahmadi (1977) says " Educator is a person who is controlling and teaching the students in the learning process." In high school, educators are called as teachers who give knowledge for the students. Commonly, they are also providing and teaching of learning materials to the students. In fact, the teachers are very care with the students and remind the students about their homework and task. On the other hand, educators in college are called as lecturers. The lecturers just give syllabus and little of material that will be taught by them, but the materials aren't providing by them. Furthermore, they also don't remind the students about task and homeworks because it is responsibility of the students to do it. Indeed, educators such as the teachers and the lecturers have difference of aspect in high school and college.

The last, the different of aspect in high school and college is learning evaluation that us tests. In high school, the tests are frequently done and small  the amount of materials. The tests have been scheduled that the beginning of exam or test is usually Monday until Saturday. If the students get low score on the test, they can have a remedial of the test. Meanwhile, in college, the tests are infrequent done and big the amount of materials. There are only two or three tests in college like quiz, UTS, and UAS. Furthermore, there can't be a remedial of the test if the students get low score on the test. Instead, the different of aspect high school and college is learning evaluation (test).

In conclusion, if the students want to know the different of high school and college, they can look the aspect of different like clothing, educator, and learning evaluation. The students must study hard when they are learning in college than learning in high school.

                  Written by: Yona Meidiastuti

The cause of obesity among children

 The cause of obesity among children

One of problem in Indonesia is obesity. Obesity is an abnormal condition because the accumulation of excessiving fat which can interfere with health. It often occurs among children. Hartini (2014) says " obesity is defined abnormality or as a disease characterized by accumulation of excessive body fat." Obesity among  children is a medical condition that is characterized by body weight above normal. In fact, the main cause of obesity among children is due to unbalanced condition between the calories of consumed and issued in the form of energy. Thus, the cause of obesity among children are due to genetic factor, fast foods, and lack of sport.

The genetic factor is one of factor that cause of obesity among children. Some of children are genetically trend to obesity because they come from family that have overweight of body. Mustofa (2010) states " if 80% of obesity in the parents, their children will become obesity, if one of parent is obesity, the incindence of obesity become 40%, and if both parents are not obesity, then the obesity rate becomes 14 %." Based on the quotation, the children will become obesity in case their parents also have obesity. In addition, if the children have obesity because of genectic factor, it will be difficult to cure. In short, obesity among children is caused by genetic factor.

However, lifestyle also cause obesity among children. It is more dominant in the cause of obesity among children at this time than genetic factor. The lifestyle causes of obesity among children are consuming fast foods and lack of sport activities.

The first lifestyle cause of obesity among children is consuming fast foods. Commonly, the children like to consume fast foods because they think that is good for them. In fact, fast foods like instant noodles, canned foods, and bottle drinks are not good. It can become obesity for them. The children get obesity due to they frequently consume it. Therefore, providing of fast food to the children because it contains the high levels of fat, oil, and glucose. Indeed, fast foods can cause of obesity among children.

The second lifestyle cause of obesity among children is lack of sport activities. Sport is a healthy way of life that must be done by the children and adults. It is very important for them. Some the children don't like sport because they think that will be tired for them. In fact, if the children don't do the sport activities, it can cause of obesity for them. Besides, obesity among children can be avoided by sport activities like playing football and jogging. In brief, obesity among children can be caused by lack of sport activities.

In conclusion, obesity in one of the disease among children. The obesity among children can be caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. In fact, lifestyle that cause obesity among children like consuming fast foods and lack of sport activities. The children can avoid of obesity with doing activity and don't consume food that contains the calories.

                            Written by: Yona Meidiastuti

Kamis, 15 November 2018



Screen capturing/recording adalah merekam aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pengguna pada layar komputer menggunakan piranti masukan. Biasanya merekam ini dilakukan oleh aplikasi perekam layar yang dijalankan pada komputer, walaupun dapat pula dihasilkan oleh kamera atau piranti yang menangkap keluaran video dari komputer. Banyak sekali contoh aplikasi screen recording yang ada, misalnya: Camtasia studio, SnowFox Screen Recorder, BSR Screen Recorder,Free Screen Recorder, dan Screen Cast.
Aplikasi: Screen Capture
link       : Download Software Here      
Admin Yona Meidiastuti      

Sabtu, 10 November 2018

FILM DORAEMON "Lampu Ajaib yang tidak ada Jin"

Film ini menceritakan bahwa nobita menginginkan lampu ajaib untuk bisa membantu perkerjaannya. Lalu doraemon memberikan lampu ajaib yang tidak ada jinnya kepada nobita. Sehingga nobita bisa menyelesaikan tugasnya yang banyak tersebut dengan menggunakan lampu ajaib. Ingin tau cerita film doraemon yang judulnya "lampu ajaib yang tidak ada jinnya?" 

Title     : Lampu Ajaib yang tidak ada Jin
Link     : Download here
Admin Yona Meidiastuti



A term sociolinguistics is a derivational word. Two words that form it are sociology and linguistics. Sociology refers to a science of society; and linguistics refers to a science of language. A study of language from the perspective of society may be thought as linguistics plus sociology. Some investigators have found it to introduce a distinction between sociolinguistics and sociology of language. Some others regard sociolinguistics is often referred as the sociology of language.

Title     : An Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Author : Ronald Wardhaugh
Link     :Download here
Admin Yona Meidiastuti

Jumat, 09 November 2018


Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat kejadian. Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari tenses karena semua kalimat pasti ada hubungannya dengan waktu dan sifat kejadiannya. Waktu Present Past Future dan Sifat Kejadiannya.

Title     : Basic English Grammar
Author : Erwin Hari Kurniawan
Link     : Download here


The first question that must arise for a book about “the linguistics of speech” is what we take “linguistics” to be. After we have an answer to that question, we can begin to be more specific about “the linguistics of speech.” In the first chapter, we will consider contemporary ideas about language and linguistics, from both an academic and from a more popular point of view. We will see that the academic science of linguistics has not yet achieved the consensus about its basic principles that natural and physical scientists have attained for their areas of study. At the same time, the popular view of language (at least for English speakers in Britain and America) has indeed arrived at something like consensus. However, that popular view is quite different from what academic linguists think, which can lead to conflict when we need to make decisions about language and public policy, as in educational policy.

Title     : The Linguistics of Speech
Author : William A. Kretzschmar, Jr
Link     : Download here
Admin Yona Meidiastuti

The difference between high school and college

  The difference between high school and college Education is very important for people especially the students. The students can get educat...